December Holiday Happenings in AV
Just a little peek of what's going on during December in our little valley...
December 7, 2017 Tree lighting at the Boonville Hotel at 8:30 in downtown Boonville, CA. They will be serving soup and biscuits and live music by the Real Sarah's. $10 donation to support the food bank's holiday effort.
December 9-10, 2017 Anderson Valley Holiday passport Wine Weekend. For details click here.
December 9, 2017 Holiday Bazaar by the Anderson Valley Unity Club will be at the Boonville Fairgrounds from 10 to 4. There will be fresh evergreen arrangements, jewelry, candy, books, crafts, cards plus home baked goods, jams, jellies and all that good stuff, plus a snack bar for lunch. Pictures with Santa from 11-1. Proceeds benefit High School Scholarships and Anderson Valley library and other community projects. More info call Liz at 707 895-2847
December 16, 2017 Christmas caroling with Lynn Archambault at Lauren's Restaurant in downtown Boonville, CA. Starting at 8:30 with a bit of mulled wine. Song books provided.
December 16-17, 2017 Anderson Valley Holiday passport Wine Weekend. For details click here.
December 21, 2017 Trivia Quiz at Lauren's Cafe in downtown Boonville, CA. Bring your quick thoughts and join in the fun starting at 7pm. No ticket necessary. Dinner from 5 to 9
December 31, 2017 New Years Eve celegration starts at 9pm and goes on and on. Music by Tommy Brown.
For more Anderson Valley events go to